Artificer Media was created as a boutique consulting firm to help entrepreneurs and businesses have a better web presence, whether that means just a nice, responsive, informative website or a seamlessly-integrated online platform that leverages content marketing for expert positioning.
As the founder of Artificer Media, having been an e-commerce owner and operator since 1998, when I consult for clients I bring all of my core skill sets to the table, as does my my team of consultants. I have a tremendous amount of personal and hard-won experience in the trenches of running an online business. Having previously been on the client-side of both website design and SEO needs, I know all too well the pain points from runaway project costs and predatory practices of many shady ‘internet consulting’ companies.
Here, we give you full disclosure. We tell you straight up. If it is a complex answer that involves some time and research, then that is a service we perform for clients. Either way, we will tell you the hard facts of the matter, whatever it is, and you will have the power to make the choices that are right for you and your business.
When consulting, I strive to find a pragmatic balance between overall objectives and creating solutions tailored to each individual client.
As an artist I am familiar with the creative process that can often be overwhelming to some, but as a creative director and veteran e-commerce owner and operator I also understand from first hand experience all of the challenges facing any business owner.
Online entrepreneurs are understandably overwhelmed with all the potential things that ‘could’ be done that it is often difficult for them to craft an exact plan and implement a solid strategy around what ‘should’ be done.
Doing things right is an esthetic that I feel strongly about, no matter what it is. My advice will always be: Take the time to do it right! Serious objectives require serious planning, implementation, and consistency.
Online success also requires making the web work for you: Constructively selecting what you are going to do, instead of feeling overwhelmed from doing too much and being run in circles trying to do too many things that often do not make a real impact anyway.
Navigating that requires sound advice from someone with appropriate expertise.
So, if you are ready to get started on the right track, introduce yourself now. We’ll talk soon.
Kind regards,